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A Possible Manuever by the Dems in the Senate?

From a post on USA Today:
 “As Senate Republicans try to force changes to the health care bill, Vice President Joe Biden stands ready to race to Capitol Hill if necessary to break any ties.”
The story continues on with, and is mostly about, Joe Biden’s public language transgression. However, this makes me wonder if this is a tactic the Democratic party may employ in the Senate. If the Dems find they cannot muster the 60 votes necessary to pass a new bill (should the Republicans be successful in their bid to force another vote in the Senate), they could very well manipulate the voting such as to intentionally create a tie, thereby allowing ‘Uh-Oh, here’s Joe’ to break the manufactured tie. Sure, it would be a risky manuever, but if they don’t the votes on a new bill, then why not take the chance?
Whatever happened to “representative republic”?
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