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Seed For The Future

Tonight Judy & I had the privilege to take part in a wonderful opportunity. We were blessed to witness people who are, clearly, following God’s call. I cannot do justice to the presentation we heard tonight, but suffice it to say, this woman – and those who work with her – could not do what she has on her own power or strength. Only by the power, provision, and providence of God does this ministry exist.

A benefit was held this evening at the Watershed bookstore in Lexington to benefit the Heartworks ministry and its Jubilee Academy. These exemplify, to me, the kind of ministry I believe we, the Church of the Living God, are called to undertake. It is the “get your hands dirty, put your money where your mouth is, and do what you could not possibly do on your own strength & power so the LORD gets all the Glory due Him” kind of ministry.

My heart swells (as do my eyes with tears of joy) when I think of what Jesus is doing with His people, and the fruit of the labor of those who willingly and courageously surrender their wills to His, just to honor Him by showing everyone what He can do through broken but still useful vessels. All “fall short of the glory of God”, but no one is beyond redemption. Absolutely no one has fallen so far that the power of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior cannot overcome our sin, and our deserved sentence of death. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.

Go to the sites for Heartworks and Jubilee Academy, and see for yourself what they do. And know that this is only a part of the picture. And if you are so moved, pray about how you may become a part of this ministry. The seed being sown now will reap its harvest, and the seed sown from this harvest will have a greater yield, and on and on. There is hope. There is no lost cause but that which the Father determines, for his good pleasure. The hope that is changing the lives of these few kids is the same hope we have, that has changed our lives. And these kids have this hope only because one person dared to cast her lot, her life, her total trust with the Lord, willing to be called foolish for His name sake. Our part in this – no, our command – is to make sure we share this hope with others, ALL others, in whatever way He chooses us to. This hope is not ours to hoard for ourselves….

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  1. October 12, 2007 at 11:49 am

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